Lori Hunt is a Senior Account Manager for a higher education technology company. She has worked in higher education for over twenty-seven years. She has two adult children. She currently lives with her husband in Choudrant, Louisiana. She began writing romance in the early 2000’s. She published her first teenage romance novel in 2006, Southern Like That. Her second novel e-published in 2012, Everybody’s Friend, is an adult romance novel.
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Life is an adventurous journey full of twists and turns but what happens when God decides to take what you thought was the best part of that journey away in a moment's notice. Lily, a native of New York City and Fashion magazine writer, meets an intriguing man on an airplane ride home. The first moment they brushed legs in that extremely tight space, his voice laced with a sexy Southern drawl, had her thinking whether he would be her next love story in the making or perhaps a one-night stand with this small-town Louisiana boy.
Each day we wake up with a somewhat clear picture of what our life is going to be like, what we are going to do and maybe even a mapped-out plan of the next several years. That visual is mesmerizing. At times, the days can be daunting and difficult to grasp depending on the task at hand, but we trudge on and still admire what we have accomplished. Suddenly, that specific path is altered by varying significant events throughout life. Was this in God’s master plan? Evoking a wide variety of emotions, Lily has the reader bracing for a journey full of roadblocks compiled with seduction, self-doubt, and at times a questioning of faith.