Hope is a monster killer, First Family of her town, and condemned to death if people knew she is the mother of a half-human, half-dragon child. When summoned to another dimension, she discovers love, and a man who accepts her son. In order to stay, however, she must vanquish a demon army that threatens to destroy this new land, and the old world she is leaving behind.
When the Gaea manifests herself on Earth, she seeks one man who feels the planet’s pain. She finds none, and the human race pays the price.
The end of civilization as we know it.
Kenya wants to be a singer. When she is cast into another world, she learns magic is in the power of her songs.
A father and husband commits suicide for a murder he never did. A wife devastated by the death of her husband and sister. Two families left wondering why.
To the people who enslaved her she is a priestess trained in the art of prophecy. To the new land she escapes to, she is an outlaw. To the natives she leads in revolt, she is a goddess.
Fifteenth century Japan is not a nice place to live. Rival clans ruled by daimyos, warlords, tear the country apart in civil war. Amelia is fifteen and her family is out of favor, her father, a samurai warrior, forced to commit seppuku. When a warlord abducts her mother, Amelia vows to rescue her. Aided by a man who adores her, and riding a unicorn she loves, Amelia raises an army, defeats the warlord in battle, and saves her mother. One obstacle remains. The man who loves her wishes to marry Amelia, and Amelia wants to marry him. The problem?Only a virgin may ride a unicorn.
All Jackie wanted was equal treatment and to ride a dragon. When her cruel brother-in-law takes over as head of household, and makes her quit school, she is forced to do all the chores, and collect wood in the forest. Jackie finds a dragon's egg, and although law forbids girls to ride dragons, she secretly hatches the egg, and dons boy's clothes. After she brings the gift of fire to the dragonriders, she becomes an accepted member of their band.Civil wars breaks out, dragonrider against dragonrider. Jackie leads the loyalist faction against the rebels. The stakes—the fate of the kingdom and the life of her and the man she has grown to love.
At the entrance to Ft. Dix, NJ sits a statue of a charging infantryman. The plaque reads in part—THE ULTIMATE WEAPON. In the year 2040, the military decided to take him one step farther.
Sometimes smuggler and full-time Space pilot Don Weiss teams up with Puddlefoot, a mischievous fairy, to defend Earth. Their greatest challenge, locate and subdue the Vas, an evil race of spider aliens bent on destroying our solar system, and turn them into peaceful non-belligerents. The problem: The Vas do not exist.The solution: Annihilation.
An escaped rebel leader bent on recapturing his throne.A looming invasion from the Empire of the West.Dressed as a boy, Jackie sets out on her dragon to recapture one and halt the other,Before these two forces can destroy her homeland. Only her strength, courage, andFriendships she’s made can stop the approaching chaos.She doubts they will be enough.
A lost princess, Zen, is trained by her stepfather to kill her true parents.
A young prince, Eric, vows to find her and return her home.
Together they travel the Earth, one to learn the location of the people she must kill. The other seeking the person who is already by his side. What they learn, though, is a far greater danger approaches from the east than either could have imagined.
Feeling remorse after killing hundreds of enemy soldiers in war, Rose travels west from India, vowing to do noble deeds to atone for the deaths she has committed. Rescuing a prince of Wessex, the two journey across medieval Europe fighting battles to his home. Learning the prince’s father has died, Rose restores her friend to the throne, and learns a great truth about herself.
The Rod of Reality is missing, and the multi-dimensional universes are about to collide. Earth and Fairyland face destruction. AJ, an ordinary mortal, and Princess Tanaquill, a quirky teenage elf who would rather be playing soccer, set off to find the rod and replace it in its rightful place. They don't have a clue, but what could go wrong—two teenagers off on an adventure, battling monsters and villains, joking and arguing, while they do the barnyard dance of romance—the sole thing at stake—the fate of the world.
AJ has been summoned to Fairyland to fight a goblin army. He doesn’t know how, nor do the elves who called him. Nevertheless, he and Princess Tana set off to do battle.The war turns ugly. Princess Tana is captured. AJ must rescue her and learn why rumors say she’s his girlfriend.
AJ and his companions journey to the far north, Jotunheim, the land of the giants to save Princess Tanaquill. After her rescue, AJ and the princess are cast ashore in the land of Asgard, where they fight in the battle of Ragnarok, the Norse destruction of the world. Surviving the battle, Princess Tanaquill returns to Alfheim while AJ proceeds overland. When the two meet again, the final showdown begins.
A traitor has abducted the senator's daughter. In a time far gone, Ted Cole, man from the future, sets out to find her on the prehistoric continent of Mu. In order to rescue his beloved, he must battle knights, intrigue, and lead an army in a civil war - the stakes - her life and the fate of a kingdom.
B.E.V.: Battle Evasive Vehicle
Bev: A screwy machine who likes shoes and talks back.
In the near future, the oceans have risen, space aliens have destroyed our cities, and warlords march across the earth carving out empires. Homeless men called skels wander the land, and thugs named scavengers rape and kill.
Two teens - Hunter, lamed during the alien attack, and Kat, his girlfriend - race to save their fathers from one warlord in an experimental war machine named Bev. When the warlord decides to destroy their town, the three must battle to defend their homes and the people they love.
Eastern dragons are about to attack the dragons of the west. Outnumbered, Jackie flies to the new world seeking and finding allies, while her friends and the kingdoms of Europe prepare for the onslaught.
Armies march. Jackie knows only one thing; she must give all her courage, all her strength, all her heart in this battle, if she is to succeed, and the western dragons and humans are not erased from history forever.
Beneath the Earth’s surface lies another world. Jacke, riding her dragon, finds herself sucked into this land—a land of perpetual daytime. Fighting prehistoric monsters and savage men, her only desire is to somehow locate a passage back to her home and the people she loves.
Aliens have attacked the home world. Starfleet sends Captain Oletta and her crew to investigate and discover the location of the alien planet and report back. What she finds is more ominous. The aliens have amassed a huge armada and plan to conquer the galaxy.
Punished for the destruction of the planet Testes, Captain Oletta and the Ovary are sent to an unexplored star system —Vega. There the real problems start. Captain Oletta discovers a plot to overthrow the government of the one inhabited planet, equip the people with warships, and attack the planet Lesbos. The odds are extreme. A lone Starship against a hostile planet. Captain Oletta has strict orders—No interference with any alien culture. She has only one choice—ATTACK.